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By: Tennessee Williams


Producer: Ohio University

Directors: Sarah Yorke

Scenic Design: Christopher Rees

Lighting Design: Alejandro Ridolfi

Sound Design: Simon Marland

Costume Design: Jennifer Lothian

Photo Credits:  Chris Rees, Alex Eicher


Emotional Response Collage

Created Using Photoshop

This emotional response came after the first reading of the script. I felt Alma was consumed by this relationship with Johnny.  

Disclaimer: I do not claim any artwork used within the collage to be my own. 

Visual Inspiration

The director presented the concept of eternity and play taking place in Alma's faded memory. She has gone through remembering the events with Johnny for so long and keeps recycling. This lead me in the direction of faded water colors, broken up photos, sporadic retracing/connecting the dots, and Ivy.  

Disclaimer: I do not claim any inspiration artwork to be my own unless otherwise noted. 
Artist credit given where applicable. If artist wants work removed please contact.

Initial Sketch/ Vectorworks Models

Vectorworks Rendering 

Scenic Elements Created in Vectorworks 2021

Costume Renderings By: Jen Lothian

The final product revolved around coming in and out of Alma's memory. This included the drops flying in and out, the fountain base turntable, and the raised platforms rolling on and offstage. 

SAS - RENDERING 8-23-21 (1).png

Groundplan/Drafting Examples

Created in Vectorworks 2021

Painter Elevation Examples

Created in Vectorworks 2021

Turntable Transition 

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